Episode 21: Hazel


It's an all-music, no-talk Halloween episode featuring three hours fo weird, spooky-adjacent music. All the tracks come from previous episodes, so if you want any context for any of these tracks, go check out the original episodes: SamanthaSabrina and Wanda.

Track listing:

0:00 Toto Coelo, “Dracula’s Tango (Sucker for Your Love)”

5:51 Fancy, “Slice Me Nice”

11:33 Phoebus, “Frankenstein” 

17:54 Kathy Joe Daylor, “Little Witch”

24:37 Box 20th, “Midnight Horror”

28:27 Daydream, “Crazy” 

34:53 Patrick Cowley, “They Came at Night” 

40:56 Style, “Run for Your LIfe”

47:58 Adolf Stern, “More… I Like It” 

52:44 Monte Kristo, “The Girl of Lucifer”

58:05 Chantoozies, “Witch Queen”

1:02:09 Radiorama, “Vampires”

1:08:12 The Immortals, “Ultimate Warlord”

1:14:29 Yvonne Gage, “Doin’ It in a Haunted House”

1:20:28 Trilogy, “Black Devil”

1:26:33 Cherook, “Licanthrope”

1:31:54 Den Harrow, “Broken Radio”

1:38:24 Magali, “Vampire Night”

1:42:22 Fresh, “El Lobo = The Wolf”

1:47:44 Lene Lovich, “It’s You, Only You”

1:51:07 Vicious Pink, “Spooky”

1:54:19 Dorine Hollier, “Tonight! (Crazy Night)”

2:00:01 Supermax, “Spooky”

2:04:22 Stage, “Voodoo Dance” 

2:11:17 Emilia, “Satan in Love”

2:14:27 Radiorama, “Yeti”

2:20:35 Toto Coelo, “I Eat Cannibals”

2:27:07 The Doctor, “Frankenstein”

2:32:09 Emmie Yokokyama, “Disco Vampirella” 

2:36:28 Methusalem, “Zombie”

2:41:24 Departure, “King Kong” 

2:48:35 Clay Pedrini, “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”  

2:56:25 Giusy Dej, “Follow Me”

This whole thing is put together by me, Drew Mackie. Follow me on Twitter. I'm on Instagram too. Also listen to the Spotify playlist that inspired this podcast.

If you have a recommendation for a song you think should be played on the show, hit me up on Twitter or leave me a voicemail by calling ‪(970) 823-4726 — or 970 82 DISCO. I may play your recommendation on a future show.

Have a look at the official website for fancy people.

The original art for this podcast was designed by Sarah Wickham, who rocks. Check out her art and also buy her stuff.

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Episode 22: Laura


Episode 20: Wanda